Hannah Murnen, Graphyte and Stacy Kauk, Isometric in the Carbon Herald
The durable CDR industry has delivered a total of 500,000 carbon removal credits (or 500,000 metric tons of CO2e) to the market over the last 5 years. This represents good progress for the many emerging CDR suppliers bringing new projects online.
But this is the very beginning. In order to reach net zero by midcentury, we need over 350,000,000 credits issued per year by 2030. That is 700X all CDR credits delivered to date! We have to move at a rapid pace to stay on track. And while we move quickly, we must maintain an unrelenting focus on quality. The market will only succeed if we do both.
Isometric and Graphyte have worked together over the last 8 months to rigorously – and rapidly – issue the first credits under the Subsurface Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage protocol. We’ve had a lot of learnings along the way that can inform the way the CDR market we need is built.
Read more in the Carbon Herald.